Since we are difficult to reach by telephone*, the fastest way to contact us is to fill in the form below. As a rule, we will reply very promptly within a few hours, but at the latest after two working days.
If you have not received an answer after two days, please check the Spam/Junk folder of your email account to see if our answer was not sorted there.
*Extension numbers and telephone times:
- Dolores Katić | Dispatch and Office +49 8137 6373648, alias +49 157 82204821 (weekdays between 08:00 and 13:00)
- Kai Angne | Management +49 8137 6292334 (weekdays between 08:00 and 15:00)
- Kolja Sparrer | Management and Purchasing +49 6162 8094776 (weekdays between 09:00 and 17:00)